General English- Confidence, fun, friends – lay the foundation for fluency
The General English program develops students’ English language communication skills. There is a strong focus on building confidence and fluency. Above all, in a friendly and fun environment! Through a communicative approach, students practice their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Furthermore there are opportunities to learn these skills in a variety of ‘real life’ situations.
Studying General English gives students the confidence and skills to function in an English speaking country. Some may even consider going on to further study or examination preparation courses.
Discover English, Melbourne offers six levels of General English from Beginner to Advanced. Our Beginner level class accepts students with very little exposure to English. For example, students who have not yet acquired a single word. No one’s level is too low. In contrast, our Advanced General English class is for students with high level communicative skills.
General English students undertake a placement test to determine their entry point. Students may be recommended to take a change of level test at any stage of their enrolment. Importantly, this is based on in-class assessment results.
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